Hospital Services

A caring attitude, an accredited acute care hospital, skilled medical professionals providing a full array of inpatient, outpatient, diagnostic and ancillary services, and it’s all close to your home and family...


Specializing in Orthopedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rehabilitation Services, Internal Medicine, Family Practice and Rheumatology services our experienced providers work with you to create an individualized care plan that will lead you down the path toward wellness.

Sell urges community members to take the proper steps to prepare themselves for loss of water, power, heat, shelter, and communication, when disasters happen. The first step – visit

Do 1 Thing is a non-profit organization that wants to help build stronger communities. The website,, offers a 12-step, once a month program in an effort to prepare individuals, businesses, and communities for all hazards and to become disaster resilient. When community members are prepared, emergency responders can help more people. When people are prepared themselves, they can help their neighbors.

“If you do these things to prepare, when you have to respond, you are going to know what you need to do,” said Sell.  “And it’s manageable.”

January - Make a Plan – Understand what puts you at risk from disasters and take steps to lower your risk.

“Be aware of your needs and the types of disasters in your area,” said Sell. “Listen to weather updates.  Don’t be caught by surprise.”

February - Water – Have 72 hours (3 days) worth of water stored for each person in your household.

March - Sheltering - Know how to respond safely when instructions are given to evacuate or take shelter.

April - Food – Have an emergency food supply that will meet the needs of your household for three days without outside help.

“Do you have what you need?” reminds Sell. “Do you know how to get what you need? Are your supplies stored appropriately and rotated regularly?”

May - Work, School and Community – Make sure the people who count on you are prepared for a disaster.

June - Unique Family Needs – Be aware of and prepare for your family’s unique needs.

July - Family Communication Plan – Have the ability to communicate with family members during a disaster.

“Develop  a communication plan, a home evacuation plan, and a work evacuation plan,” said Sell.

August - Get Involved – Make your community stronger by getting trained and getting involved.

September - Be Informed – Make sure everyone in your household can receive, understand, and act on information received in an emergency.

“Make a list of emergency contacts for all family members,” said Sell. “Name an appropriate meeting area if families are separated.”

October - Power – Be able to safely meet your basic needs during an electrical outage.

November - Emergency Supplies – Remember important items that may be overlooks when leaving your home in a disaster.

“Place important numbers and papers in a to go bag,” said Sell. “Cash money is one of those important needs.”

December - First Aid – Be prepared to give first aid while waiting for an ambulance.

Sell says that in addition to being prepared for a human or natural disaster, we also need to look ahead to our recovery phase needs.  “FEMA will not cover any and all events,” explained Sell. “ You may not be eligible or the event may not be declared a disaster when evaluated. “

Sell encourages community members to talk to their insurance agent about fires, earthquakes, simultaneous events, and tornados. “For example, does the age of the roof determine the amount of coverage? Will it cover a total rebuild , will it cover upgrades which are needed to meet current building codes, emotional trauma, loss of wages (if you run your business out of your home)?” said Sell.  “What would your deductible be?”

“We study and upgrade our electronic and phone systems regularly,” said Sell. “Be the wise old owl and to the same for you insurance needs.  Assess your risks and plan for your needs now.”

For questions, please visit, or contact Sell at